Japanese Torii
Creation of a 3m high Japanese cardboard Torii for the Odyssey Museum, 2024.
We created this Torii as well as a Pixel Weapons panel and Mario/Minecraft Cubes for the evening of celebration and communication around the Odyssey Museum, the largest video game museum in the world which will open its doors in Bussy-Saint-Georges in the coming years.
Photographs ©Antony Gomes

In the presence of the five founding members of the Odyssey Museum and Printiverse, a printer specializing in art printing.

The evening took place in the municipal hall of the town of Bussy-Saint-Georges, with a surface area of 250m².
The aim was to create a voluminous sculpture to occupy the stage space.
Our choice landed on the Torii, a traditional Japanese gate that we created in the colors of the Odyssey Museum, embedding a whole bunch of references to the world of video games.
The Torii is divided into several pieces to simplify transport, installation and storage.

The Making of :